Watch on Onassis YouTube
From June 19, 2020

We stay close, not closed for another week now. The Onassis Foundation digital channel on YouTube continues sharing from its archive but also new productions, while most of our previous uploads are still online for all to enjoy.

From the international RootlessRoot to Simon Critchley's philosophical podcasts, from new radio artworks to Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment and from Cavafy's poems to a documentary of Interfaces program, the innovative European project for the introduction of audiences to the work of musicians and sound artists.



RootlessRoot, Europium (2015) | Live Premiere: Wednesday, June 24th at 21:00 (UTC +3) | With English and Greek subtitles


Interfaces – A Network of Sonic Arts (2020) | Available from Thursday, June 25th


NEWS - Episode 5 (2020)Available from Friday, June 19th
A Grimoire of Silence (2018) Available from Friday, June 19th


Simon Critchley, Apply-Degger – An Analysis of Heidegger’s Thought in “Being and Time” (2020) | Available from Saturday, June 20th 2020
Sixteenth Episode – Historicity and Politics
Seventeenth Episode – Existential Time and Vulgar Time
Eighteenth Episode – Coda: Opening and Presence


Cavafy Archive | “The City”, Seven poems, seven lessons (2017) - Available form Sunday, June 21st
Onassis Library | Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment - Education: The Schools of Ioannina through testaments (17th-Beginning of 19th century) – Eleni Kourmantzi (2017) | Available from Tuesday, June 23rd