Watch on Onassis YouTube
From June 12, 2020

We stay close, not closed for another week now. The Onassis Foundation digital channel on YouTube continues sharing from its archive but also new productions, while most of our previous uploads are still online for all to enjoy.

From Tzeni Argyriou's choreography to Simon Critchley's podcasts and from new radio artworks to Onassis Library collection.



Tzeni Argyriou, ΑΝΩΝΥΜΟ (2018) | Live Premiere: Wednesday, June 17 2020 at 21:00 UTC +3 | Available until Sunday, June 22


NEWS - Episode 4
Galatia | Available from Friday, June 12 2020 (2018)


Simon Critchley, Apply-Degger – An Analysis of Heidegger’s Thought in “Being and Time” (2020) | Available from Saturday, June 13 2020
Thirteenth Episode - Anticipatory Resoluteness
Fourteenth Episode - Ecstatic Temporality
Fifteenth Episode - The Time of the Everyday World


Onassis Library | Collecting for the general public (2017) | Available from Tuesday, June 16 2020