NewsThe Onassis Foundation subsidizes the reconstruction of the Young People’s Stage of the National TheaterShareon Facebook Shareon Twitter More in:GrantsOnassis FoundationAthensCultureAndonis FoniadakisNewsΟnassis Culture at the 6th Athens ΒiennaleEvent05.05.2019FFF6 | Sudden RiseWu TsangEfthimis FilippouEvent16.04.2014A Secular Oratorio for Greek EasterTHE HELLENIC PROJECTRoderick BeatonAndonis FoniadakisEvent05.05.2019FFF6 | Sudden RiseWu TsangEvent16.04.2014A Secular Oratorio for Greek EasterTHE HELLENIC PROJECTNewsΟnassis Culture at the 6th Athens ΒiennaleEfthimis FilippouRoderick Beaton