Onassis Stegi stands out in Creative Green Awards 2019

Green Champion Award 2019 and Nomination for Best Newcomer

Creative Green Awards

The Creative Green Awards 2019 took place on Monday 1 July at Curzon Bloomsbury (London), its focus firmly on sustainability and protecting the environment. Every year, the awards serve to spotlight arts and cultural organizations which have integrated green practices into their day-to-day operation. This year, Onassis Stegi was in the running for the Best Newcomer Award. Other contenders included London’s Barbican Centre and Opera North in Leeds. One of the Green Champion awards went to Antonis Seitellman, head of Procurement at Onassis Stegi, in which role he has consistently stood out as a conscientious and systematic champion of sustainability.

Onassis Stegi goes Green

Since 2017, Onassis Stegi has been working with Julie’s Bicyle, (a London-based certification body which supports international bodies seeking to act on environmental sustainability), with a view to achieving its environmental goals and conforming with European and International standards. Aiming not only to minimize its carbon footprint, but also to mould a collective green conscience, it is continuing its journey towards an environmentally-friendly cultural management.