The Onassis Foundation supports Artworkers

Art is its workers

The Onassis Foundation will give an additional fee to each member of an artistic production of the Foundation, made accessible online. And this will apply to productions that have already been uploaded on the digital channel, as well as to those which will be made accessible online. It is a way to thank through actions the people who move our soul and thought.

Art is its workers. If they cease to exist, art will stop. And life without art is no life. During the COVID19 pandemic, works by artists who have collaborated with Onassis Stegi and Onassis Foundation in general have reached the houses and mobile phones of everyone through the digital channel of the Onassis Foundation, for culture is an integral part of our existence. In this process, we have given up any kind of commercial use, making sure to obtain the necessary permissions from all artists and members of creative teams of the works presented. In continuing with the newly established ENTER initiative, we expand our program of commissions, showcasing new digital works and supporting artists from all generations and the arts in the larger possible scale. Individuals working in different specializations in the field of culture will also be commissioned.

Today we announce a new “Stegi” not aimed, this time, at presenting works, but at supporting those working in the field of culture. As theatres, art spaces, and concert halls are waiting to find out when they will reopen, supporting art workers is the least we can do.

Art is the people who make it happen.