Onassis AiR: Our past present | A short documentary on life in AiR
How does the personal become collective? How does knowledge get practiced and exchanged?
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Onassis AiR is an international artistic research and residency program in Athens, established by the Onassis Foundation in 2019. “Onassis AiR: Our past present” is the collective outcome of more than 100 artists, curators, collectives, educators, social scientists, and other practitioners who have been part of the various programs of Onassis AiR since September 2019.
Onassis AiR sets the ground for a different culture of being and working that questions the dominant ideology of knowledge production, putting care and togetherness in the forefront. From individual research needs to fostering a collective research study, the experiential and the tactile have become core components of how the program’s participants and the team think and practice together. Through an exchange of practices and methodologies, the participants have experienced different ways of “cohabitation” inside the Onassis AiR house, while exploring the more-than-human world through city walks and research trips within Greece and beyond. This documentary sheds light on this process by bringing together in a non-chronological order some of these collective moments.
Noor Abed, Dafin Antoniadou, Eugenia Antoniou, Yota Argyropoulou, Nikos Arvanitis, Margarita Athanasiou, Alex Baczynski-Jenkins, Eleni Bagaki, Silke Bake, Tristan Bera, James Bridle, Federica Bueti, Ash Bulayev, Nuno Cassola, Stavros Chrysafidis, Marc Delalonde, Anastasia Diavasti, Dennis Dizon, Natassa Dourida, Bryony Dunne, Eirini Efstathiou, Alkisti Efthymiou, Kitsie Emerson, Moriah Evans, Elpida Fragkeskidou, Antigoni Fryda, Ioanna Gerakidi, Alaa Ghosheh, Georgia Giannakea, Cate Giordano, Marina Gioti, Theodora Haralampopoulou, Satu Herrala, Samuel Hertz, Daniel Hui, Laure Jaffuel, Hatem Imam, Dimos Kallay (Complex Shadow), Ioli Katsarou, Myrto Katsimicha, Kleitia Kokalari, Evangelia Kolyra, Christina Kotsilelou, Chrysanthi Koumianaki, Yiannis Kranidiotis, Karolina Krasouli, Danai Kriki, Latent Community (Ionian Bisai & Sotiris Tsiganos), Aris Laskos, Mark Leckey, Joseph Lubitz, Marina Miliou-Theocharaki, Paribartana Mohanty, Harry Isra Muhammad, Ines Munozcano, Nefeli Myrodia, Mariela Nestora, Minou Norouzi, Eliana Otta, Asli Ozdoyuran, Angeliki Panagopoulou, Angeliki Papageorgiou, Faidon Papadakis, Aris Papadopoulos, Georgios Papadopoulos, Nektarios Pappas, Kenneth Pietrobono, Margarita Pita, Paz Ponce, Will Rawls, Dimitris Rentoumis, Antigoni Santorinaiou, Markus Shimizu, Miriam Simun, Sumugan Sivanesan, Lito Skopeliti, Sotiria Smyrnaiou, Peter Stamer, Alexander Strecker, Irena Tomazin, Doreen Toutikian, Myrto Tsilimpounidi, Maria Tsilogianni, Prodromos Tsinikoris, Kostas Tsioukas, Manolis Tsipos, Evita Tsokanta, Hypatia Vourloumis, Grigoria Vryttia & Angel Torticollis, Ingrid Vranken, Lydia Xynogala, Raed Yassin, Young Girl Reading Group (Dorota Gaweda & Egle Kulbokaite), Dito Yuwono, Christina-Chrysanthi Zacharaki, Ioanna Zouli, 3 137 (Chrysanthi Koumianaki, Kosmas Nikolaou and Paky Vlassopoulou)
Onassis AiR: Our past present
Short documentary (duration: 23:33)
Produced by Onassis Foundation
Directed by Nefeli Myrodia
Script: Ash Bulayev, Myrto Katsimicha, Nefeli Myrodia
Video editor: Giorgos Kolios-Tsirogiannis
Music: Stavros Gasparatos
Voice-over: Xenia Vitos
Photographer, videographer: Ronny Skevis
ASFA workshop videographer: Laurent Laughlin
RESHAPE event photographer: Alexandra Masmanidi
Additional video and photo footage by Onassis AiR team and Onassis AiR participants 2019-2021
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