Europe Beyond Access | Mixed doubles

Two dancers create a piece about their own trajectory

Touring duets program

Four of the project partners are working together to commission and present 4 short dance pieces in an evening of dance which will tour to all four partners as part of their showcase events.

The program will then go on to tour to additional festivals via our programming alliances.

The partners are Skånes Dansteater, Holland Dance Festival, Onassis Stegi, and Oriente Occidente.

In the framework of the Europe Beyond Access network, co-funded by Creative Europe program of the European Union.

Photo: Chloe Kritharas

Beginning of the research process

Just a few weeks before entering the studio for their new creation, the Greek dancers Irini Kourouvani and Vivi Christodoulopoulou together with the emerging performance maker Venetsiana Kalampaliki share some captures of their upcoming research. Focusing on the performance of the self while taking into account the factors that define an individual and shape its identity the three artists investigate movement through a timeline of their own trajectory.