Data Garden by Kyriaki Goni on ERT and ERTFLIX

Thursday 17 December at 21:00

The virtual exhibition presented at Onassis Stegi on September 2020, as part of the international digital media festival, Ars Electronica 2020 “In Kepler’s Garden”, is coming at ERT2. A virtual tour of the artworks of Kyriaki Goni will be available at the show of Times of Images and ERTFLIX.

Photo: Nikos Kokkas

On Thursday, December 17 at 21:00 Kyriaki Goni will transport us to a world beyond real and fantasy in a conversation and a virtual tour of “Data Garden” at Times of Images on ΕRT2.

Can anyone think of the future of connectivity beyond surveillance, minimizing the consequences of technological infrastructures on the natural environment? Is it possible for the bond between human and non-human worlds on this planet to be substituted? Can plants, as organisms on which life itself is depended, contribute to the creation and adoption of new practices for the mediated reality?

Kyriaki Goni’s new multimedia installation investigates this set of questions by recounting a fictitious narrative that contains elements of truth. The starting point of this work is the recent scientific research on the data storage capacity of the living organisms’ genetic material, as well as on the challenges and moral dilemmas concurrently posed.