AntetokounBros Academy suspends the Academy's operation for now due to the outbreak of coronavirus

AntetokounBros Academy follows closely the latest developments and measures taken by the State regarding the protection of public health, regarding the outbreak of Covid-19.

Photo: Eurohoops

The health and safety of the athletes, the trainers, and all the Academy’s participants is our overriding concern. Following yesterday’s announcement by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education about the suspension of all educational institutions in the name of public health, we proceed to postpone the Academy’s operation until April 24.

We should underline that this decision was made preemptively and as a gesture of responsibility. After April 24 and after having reassessed the situation, AntetokounBros Academy will make a new announcement about restarting the training sessions.

As we are facing this challenge, we hereby invite everyone to work with us in a Team, in order to limit the spread of the virus and renew our date in the basketball courts.