Onassis Humanities Impact Program (HIP)
Humanities for all
In 2018 the Onassis Humanities Impact Program is launched, which aims to familiarize the broader audience of the US with the Greek culture and the humanities.
The new Onassis Foundation program aims to link the world of Humanities with other sciences and the job market.
The program brings out the values of accessibility, historical relevance, innovation, interaction and social justice
2018 is an important year for the development of the Onassis Foundation in the USA, as the Educational Program Onassis Humanities Impact Program (HIP) is launched, under the new Director of Educational Programs Dr. Young Richard Kim. Through this initiative, the Foundation aims to link the world of the Humanities with other sciences, so as to spread the values of the Greek culture to a broader audience.
Accessibility, so that more people will get to know the Greek culture, independently of their educational background.
Historical relevance, so that the contribution of Greece to the humanities is set against the necessary historical context.
Innovation, emphasizing the link of the Greek culture to science, professional areas and digital platforms.
Interactions, since the past is the filter through which we can explore, evaluate and promote the changes in the present.
Social justice, so that all citizens realize their possibilities and have equal opportunities.
For those reasons, the people responsible for the Program work in order to link the Humanities with sciences, technology and the job market.
Οnassis Foundation at the New School for Social Research in New York
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New York
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