Panagiotis Kyriakopoulos

Research Assistant at the University of Glasgow (Adam Smith School), UK

Entrepreneurship, Economy, Technology, Society,

Since March 2019, Panagiotis Kyriakopoulos has been Research Assistant and a member of a research project about entrepreneurship at the University of Glasgow (Adam Smith School), UK, funded by the British Council. He is part of a team that maps all stakeholders of Mexico’s technology parks’ ecosystem, documenting those mechanisms that enable small and medium-sized enterprises to internationalize their business and extend their activities beyond the borders of Mexico.

Along with other academics from Europe and Mexico participating in this project, they aspire to transfer the know-how of UK’s developed economy to Mexico’s emerging economy, aiming to develop the latter through its technology parks.

The project is already underway. All trips to cities in Mexico with technology parks of Tecnológico de Monterrey, such as Chihuahua and Monterrey, have been completed. There, the team aimed to meet various companies of different sizes (pre-incubator, incubator, accelerator, landing stage) in order to establish the need for mechanisms of internationalization. Also completed are feedback workshops, aiming to inform the enterprises and the technology parks’ management about research findings. Notable was the large participation of companies in the feedback workshops. Also worth noting is that the management of technology parks expressed an interest to directly implement the researchers’ proposals and suggestions.

Overall, the research team aspires to contribute to the development of an emerging economy through its collaboration with the technology parks of Tecnológico de Monterrey. Its proposals and suggestions aim at increasing the social and economic impact of technology parks to society, but also to economy in general.

Contributing to the development of an emerging economy through the collaboration with the technology parks of Tecnológico de Monterrey, and trying to increase the social and economic impact of technology parks to society, but also to economy in general.