Nikolaos Kotrokois

Creator of the Holistic Voice Coaching Method (HOVOC)

The Holistic Voice Coaching Method (HOVOC) developed by Nikolaos Kotrokois is rooted in his studies and his multi-year experience and participation in interdisciplinary voice training groups. The HOVOC method restores the proper function between two seemingly unrelated, but ultimately interdependent vocal areas: (a) free vocalization – either singing or speaking – within prolonged periods of use and b) the restoration of tonal orientation in cases of acute problems, meaning in simple terms the restoration of ‘discordance’ and, consequently, the ability of singing almost perfectly, something that was unimaginable prior to this moment.

HOVOC restores vocal control and health by tracing all the elements that affect the vocal function (in case of need and on an interdisciplinary level) and gradually training the interested individual or group across all control parameters of the ‘new voice’, starting from the basic (vocalization freedom, homogeneity of sound quality) and advancing towards more complex ones, until the level of the desired outcome is being reached, both for the interested individual and the team.

This method is addressed to anyone who makes use of vocalization beyond the average and wishes to sing or speak tirelessly while enjoying the produced outcome (e.g. actors, lecturers, singers, chanters, priests, journalists, lawyers, teachers, etc.), as well as to any other individual who wishes to speak or sing without any restrictions and limits.

Finally, the Holistic Voice Coaching Method provides optimistic answers to the anxiety of the candidates, often expressed in the form of questions as the following:

  • How easy or difficult is to gain a free voice?
  • How does the quintessence of the method relate to human nature?
  • Can each trainee achieve easily enough a tangible outcome?
  • What role does the way we perceive and communicate with the environment play in our education?
  • Do habits of any kind, developed over time, have a positive or a negative effect on education?
  • What similarities and differences are there between the human voice and any kind of musical instruments in the educational process?
  • What conditions must be in place for sonically readjusting or restoring the vocal orientation of our voice, prior to vocal use?
  • What are the most significant educational tools offered by the Holistic Voice Coaching Method?

HOVOC restores vocal control and health by tracing all the elements that affect the vocal function