Dr. Eleni D. Kalesi

Teacher and scientific associate at the Department of Education (CRSE) and the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Religions and Secularism (CIERL) of the French-speaking Free University of Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Dr. Eleni D. Kalesi is a teacher and scientific associate at the Department of Education (Centre de Recherche en Sciences de l'Education / CRSE) and the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Religions and Secularism (Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Étude des Religions et de la Laïcité – CIERL) of the French-speaking Free University of Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Her academic career was primarily forged within the same university (2012-2018), of which she is a graduate and member.

Her doctoral studies (Ph.D., 2018) were realized under a scholarship from the Onassis Foundation. Her research interests focus on the evolvement of the issue of secularism (laïcité / sécularisation) across Primary and Secondary Education in Greece, extending from the State's accession to the European Community (1981) to nowadays and the status held by the Orthodox religion and fundamental human rights in Greek school textbooks.

More specifically, her studies address the concept of secularism (laïcité) and the means employed by the Greek educational system to incorporate it into its school discourse. The research is performed by analyzing the content of Religious Studies, Civic Education, and History textbooks in Primary and Secondary Education from 1981 to 2018 and its objective is to determine possible changes in the manner in which the ideal of secularism is presented. The analysis revolves around three main axes: 1. The fundamental values of freedom and equality regardless of religion or other personal beliefs 2. Reason (the logical capacity inherent in human beings) in the context of a democratic state and 3. The distinction and concurrent autonomy of the state and religions. Moreover, part of the research includes the study and analysis of Greek legislation, as well as the programmatic agendas of those political parties active in the foreground since the 1980s regarding the role of religion in Education.

Dr. Eleni D. Kalesi is preparing the publication of her first book written in Greek in October 2023, titled “Secularism in Greek school textbooks: What are the shifts since the State’s accession to the European Community (1981-2018)?” [Original title in French: "La laïcité dans les manuels scolaires grecs: quelles transformations depuis l'adhésion de l'État grec à la Communauté européenne (1981)?] from the notable and specialized in issues of Enlightenment Lux Orbis publishing house. Beyond educators, members of political or philosophical circles, and students of pertinent disciplines, the book offers food for thought for any citizens who reserve the curiosity and desire to understand and familiarize themselves with State-Church relations in Greek education.