Dimitris Evangelinos

Pioneer postdoctoral research fellow for the tackling of climate change.

Environment / Biosciences

Dr. Dimitris Evangelinos studied Oceanography at the Department of Marine Sciences of the University of the Aegean in Greece. He pursued post-graduate studies at Vrije University of Brussels in Belgium and completed his doctoral thesis on Sea Geology and Paleoceanography at the Universidad de Granada in Spain. He has participated in four research missions in Antarctica. Currently, he is working as a postdoctoral research fellow at Université de Bordeaux in France. His research focuses on the interaction of the Southern Ocean with Antarctica’s ice sheet during Earth’s warmer geological periods.

More specifically, he specializes in the reconstruction of the paleoclimate and marine paleocirculation during past periods when temperature and the concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) were higher compared to the current times, and similar to the ones predicted by climate models for the near future.

One of the greatest uncertainties of the climate models concerns the role of the oceans and the ocean circulation in the melting of the Antarctica’s ice, which causes the rise of the global sea level. The rise of the sea level is one of the most serious problems caused by climate change, as the majority of the human population lives in coastal areas.

The study of the interaction between the ocean and the Antarctica’s ice sheet in the past can contribute to the prediction of possible changes in global sea level, through the understanding of the mechanisms that connect the changes in ocean circulation with the stability of the Antarctica’s ice sheet.

Dimitris Evangelinos’s research is funded by the French state program “Make Οur Planet Great Again.”

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