Vasia Attarian and Mirto Makridi: BINGO!
Photo: Mirto Makridi
A bingo night full of the greatest hits and flops of today. Seven performers welcome the audience to a night in which bingo becomes the vehicle for a modern comedy with elements of revue about the unbearable state of current affairs. Political and social defeats, threatened labor rights, gender and sexuality issues, contemporary feminism, ecological disasters, the chaos of social media, information overload, artificial intelligence and human rights are some of the topics about which people shout “BINGO! We did it!”
An upside-down perspective on the bizarre and fragmentary present, interrupted by dancing and singing, raffles and numbers. How can one talk about the meaning of success and failure, and the 21st century’s disarray in a seemingly “light” atmosphere? By playing bingo! As the evening progresses, the numbered balls turn into the minor and major victories and defeats of today. Audience members and performers have equal rights to call bingo! To play, to lose, and to win.
“BINGO!” speaks of the present, of its grim reality, of the struggles of the modern world, of gender issues, sexuality, work, of the feeling that democracy is changing, of the faith that the modern individual has to rediscover from scratch in new circumstances.
Callers of the night: Evdoxia Androulidaki, Mirto Makridi, Promitheas Nerattini-Dokimakis, Maria Filini
Score and live music: Dimitris Tasenas
Choreography: Elena Gerodimou
Special thanks to Homemade Films (Maria Drandaki) for the Bingo Machine and Iliana Paspala for the Bingo logo.
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