Euripides Laskaridis: Lapis Lazuli // A stone from heaven

In his research, Euripides dares to explore a universe in which the real blends with the imaginary, the dreamish with the nightmare, and the conscious with the unconscious. He insists on moving at the borders of dance, theater, performance, and the visual arts. He keeps on exploring what it means to create an amalgam of genres and styles – humorous yet strangely poignant. His investigation of character stems from archetypes and stereotypes alike – looking to bring them forth in ways rarely seen on stage. There are three different angles to his research: The early freak movies with their two-dimensional studio sets and the overly dramatic acting; Yves Klein’s blue monochromes with the simplicity and radical conceptual rigor of Klein’s aesthetics, and the polychrome Japanese culture with its deep spiritual connection to nature, gushing in ancient and contemporary rituals. Through the combination of such diverse elements, Euripides aims to explore the creation of an awe- evoking and charming queer world of mystery, which could potentially transgress the linear perception of time and investigate the poetic aspects of the primitive and contemporary norms.