Onassis AiR Collaboration
Fair Governance Models: how to make open, inclusive and flexible governance models?
Within the scope of RESHAPE Onassis ΑiR brings together nine artists, researchers and practitioners in the cultural field, from across Europe and South Mediterranean together with artists and art professionals based in Αthens in a 3-day workshop (May 13-15, 2020) on the future of governance within the cultural field.
The participants of the RESHAPE Trajectory Fair Governance Models are: Helga Baert (Belgium), Eduardo Bonito (Italy/Brazil), Virdžinija Đeković (Serbia), Fatin Farhat (Palestine), Katarina Pavić (Croatia), Ilija Pujić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Martin Schick (Switzerland), Sam Trotman (Scotland), Claire Malika Zerhouni (Turkey).
The participants of the Αthens Work Group are: Chrysanthi Koumianaki, Kosmas Nikolaou and Paky Vlassopoulou (3 137), Natassa Dourida (Communitism), Vassilis Noulas and Kostas Tzimoulis (EIGHT), Penny Travlou (FAC Research), Maria Konomi, Rosana Sanchez and Aris Spentsas (OnMaterials), Xenia Kalpaktsoglou (curator), Evita Tsokanta (curator).
Αthens Working Group participants —Natassa Dourida, Vassilis Noulas, Evita Tsokanta, and Kostas Tzimoulis— discuss "Fairness, Collaboration and Work in Time of Crisis".
Listen to the podcast.
More in:
RESHAPE Workbook
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