Yes, I know his new poems;
all Beirut is raving about them.
I’ll study them some other day.
I can’t today because I’m rather upset.

Certainly he’s more learned in Greek than Libanius.
A better poet than Meleager though? I don’t think so.

But Mevis, why talk about Libanius and books
and all these trivialities? Mevis, yesterday I found myself
(it happened by chance) under Simeon’s pillar.

I slipped in among the Christians
praying and worshipping in silence there,
revering him. Not being a Christian myself
I couldn’t share their spiritual peace—
I trembled all over and suffered;
I shuddered, disturbed, terribly moved.

Please don’t smile; for thirty-five years—think of it—
winter and summer, night and day, for thirty-five years
he’s been living and suffering on top of a pillar.
Before either of us was born (I’m twenty-nine,
you must be younger than I am),
before we were born, just imagine it.
Simeon climbed up his pillar
and has stayed there ever since facing God.

I’m in no mood for work today—
but Mevis, I think it better that you report this:
whatever the other sophists may say,
I at least recognize Lamon
as Syria’s leading poet.

Reprinted from C. P. CAVAFY: Collected Poems Revised Edition, translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard, edited by George Savvidis. Translation copyright © 1975, 1992 by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard. Princeton University Press. For reuse of these translations, please contact Princeton University Press.

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