We Are Having The Time Of Our Lives



Reminiscent of the commercial signage frequently found in urban landscapes and generally located on the tops of façades or buildings, We Are Having The Time Of Our Lives translates the familiar phrase into a text-based installation, consisting of an illuminated signboard made with ocean blue LED letters mounted on an aluminium frame and weighed down by orange PVC sandbags.

We Are Having The Time Of Our Lives repurposes the aesthetics of commercial signage to rebrand the end of humanity. Pointing to our current peak of evolution and a celebration of what we have achieved, there is perhaps a hidden and more dystopian interpretation as well. If this is peak human performance, it might just go downhill from here? Or perhaps we should start celebrating the end of the Anthropocene, and let the post-human party begin.


Installation (LED letters, aluminium frame, PVC sandbags)

About the artists

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    Photo: Pinelopi Gerasimou

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    Photo: Pinelopi Gerasimou

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    Photo: Pinelopi Gerasimou