The Garden of Earthly Delights

Sound Walk


Non-human narratives can be defined as stories told without the use of human language, using what reigns in the natural environment instead, like the grooves in tree bark, fallen leaves, the buzzing of bees, the taste of grass, the texture of the soil, and the smell of water.

This guided installation focuses on our ever multi-sensorial perception of the world as it is intrinsically entangled with non-human beings, and emphasizes the importance of using our sensuous bodies to get closer to the environment, to communicate, and to search for mutual understanding. Participants will be blindfolded for a time, and provided with short scores to follow and perform.

Join Martyna on this most special journey!

Guided Walks: 15 – 26.06.22 at 19:00

Online registration is required, due to limited seat capacity.

Every day, up to 7 people may take part in the sound walk. For those interested, it is possible to apply upon arriving at the garden fifteen minutes prior to the walk’s start.

According to the work’s dramaturgy, we would like to inform you that the sound walk requires at least 5 participants in order to take place.


About the artists