
Sculptural Installation


Pamvotis, the ancient name of the Lake of Ioannina, refers to “she who feeds everyone” and outlines a condition of life for its lake ecosystem. This project tackles the chemical changes the lake undergoes as a result of human activity in the area. One of the main ones, eutrophication (i.e., the overgrowth of flora), results in oxygen shortage in the lake, and therefore leads some of its animal organisms to suffocation, giving its waters a green coloration that looks artificial. The sculptural installation of Stefania Strouza refers to the bottom of the lake and its color changes when the night comes. Emphasis is given to the transformation of the body of water, the variability of the landscape, and the hope to prevent environmental degradation. At the same time, through the use of the forging technique, the artwork alludes to traditional silversmithing, while the use of metals and phosphorescent materials attempts a reference to the relationship between nature and construction, faults and bonds.

The work is commissioned by Onassis Stegi for the “Plásmata ΙΙ: Ioannina” exhibition.


Sculptural installation (aluminum, resin, fluorescent pigment, steel, copper, acrylic paint
3 x 5 x 1 m.
Production Support
Metal Fabrication
Qoop Metalworks

About the artists